The Latin America Rails Conference
April 4 and 5
Itaú Cube | São Paulo - Brazil
Two days of extremely high-level content, international speakers, and lots of networking!

From the community to the community.
A new moment for Rails!
We are experiencing a moment of rediscovery for Rails. In scenarios of restriction and the search for efficiency, its advantages as one of the best frameworks to start a startup or create a modern web application become even more obvious. With Rails World and so many others emerging in the United States and Europe, Tropical.rb returns with the proposal to bring together developers from Latin America to talk about Rails and share knowledge!
Our speakers

Adrian is a product-oriented engineer, author of Avo for Rails, and co-organizer of the Friendly.rb conference and the podcast. In his free time, he enjoys traveling the world, meeting interesting people, and learning about the world around us.

Alexandre Calaça is a passionate software engineer specialized in turning complex problems into elegant solutions through code. With an international background, he has contributed to collaborative projects involving professionals from America, Europe, Oceania, and Asia. Outside of work, he loves being with family and studying various topics.

The "majestic monolith" of FestaLab was created in 2018 running Rails 5.1, but currently runs Rails Edge, and the company contributed back to Rails some things they developed (including the switch to "vips by default" in Rails 7). This monolith was also the basis for collaboration on Propshaft and the first app that deployed the gem to production.

Bruno Ghisi is the co-founder and VP of Product and Engineering at RD Station, a leading company in technology solutions for digital marketing and sales in Brazil, with over 50 thousand clients. He holds a master's degree in Computer Science from UFSC. He was elected an Endeavor Entrepreneur in 2016 and has since become an investor and mentor in companies.

Bruno, a member of the Rails Foundation board, has been developing software with Rails since 2006. Originally from Brazil, he moved to the United States at the age of 13. With a rich history in software development and team leadership across various industries, Bruno has played a key role on the founding team of Doximity since 2010.

With over three decades of experience in software development, I am a pioneer in Ruby on Rails since its early versions and a CTO who has guided my company from the beginning, using Rails, to a successful initial public offering (IPO), continuously shaping the technology landscape.

Eileen helps lead the effort to improve and maintain the Rails framework and the Ruby language at Shopify. She focuses on ensuring stability and extensibility for individual developers and large and small businesses. Her goal is to ensure the long-term sustainability of Rails and its continued adoption as one of the leading open-source frameworks.

Fito von Zastrow is a Senior Software Engineer working at Cisco Meraki. He has over a dozen years of experience working with Ruby, Rails, and other technologies. He is a transplant from the San Francisco Bay Area, coming from Asunción, Paraguay. He enjoys hiking, playing video games, watching soccer, and pair programming.

José has been a Ruby developer since 2014, having worked on projects in Brazil, Europe, and North America. Passionate about Ruby on Rails, automated testing, CLIs, and Vim. In his spare time, he watches cartoons with his children and spends time with a 1983 Opala.

Mayra is from Lima, Peru. She is a Software Developer at Buk and a Technical Lead at WNBrb. She is passionate about Ruby, open source software, and diversity and inclusion in technology. She is very lazy about creating things for herself, but never too lazy to help others build their dreams, especially in the RoR community. Outside of work, you will probably find her spending time playing with her cats, planning the next conference she will attend, and doing Zumba.

Weldys is from São Luís, a software engineer, has been working with Rails since 2006 but took a break to be a manager. Tired of so many meetings, he returned to being a developer. He is now the father of two children, a purple belt in Karate, and wants to own a farm.
04/04 | First day
08:30h - 09:45h
09:45h - 10:00h
10:00h - 10:50h
Keynote - Investing in the Ruby community

11:00h - 11:30h
Reinventing the Authentication Wheel
We all use Devise - in fact, this is the authentication approach in Rails. But what if I told you that building your authentication is not that difficult? A few years ago I created a library called authentication-zero and it became very popular.

11:40h - 12:10h
A Brewer's Guide to Filtering out Complexity and Churn
Complex code is expensive and risky to change. Most programmers do not know how their changes increase complexity over time. Eventually, complexity leads to pain and frustration. Without understanding complexity, developers tend to blame Rails. Come learn how to keep complexity under control.

12:15h - 14:00h
Almoço 🍛
14:00h - 14:45h
Panel - Successful Brazilian Rails-powered Startups

14:50h - 15:20h
Cloning Cookie Clicker to Debug jobs and Confirm What DHH Said
DHH gave a talk at Rails World about using Solid Queue instead of the beloved/used Sidekiq + Redis. We did some tests at work, but here in the talk, I want to show in a more playful way how we can test jobs, cloning the JavaScript game Cookie Clicker and trying to break my web application.

15:30h - 16:00h
From React to Hotwire: The Adventures of a Frontend Migration
How, in 4 sprints, we were able to transition our React frontend to Hotwire, after a migration to Rails 7, and we managed to reduce the size of the codebase and organize our frontend into something simpler.

16:05h - 16:50h
Coffee Break ☕️
16:50h - 17:20h
Mastering Internationalization: A Journey through Cultures and i18n
Creating a web app in Spanish? Bravo! Imagine the expansion in Latin America – complicated, right? Words change meaning across borders. Rails to the rescue! Unveil wonders by mastering idiolects effortlessly. Say goodbye to static strings. Rails prepares you to adapt, translate, and thrive in the diversity of Latin America.

17:30h - 18:00h
Implementing Semantic Search in Rails Using Database Vectors
Unlock the power of semantic search in Rails! Join me on a journey to implement state-of-the-art database vectors, revolutionizing search functionality. Elevate your applications with intelligence and precision using the large language models provided by OpenAI. Don’t miss this transformative talk!

6:10 PM - 7:00 PM
Keynote | Aaron Patterson

7:00 PM - 7:15 PM
05/04 | Second day
09:45h - 10:00h
10:00h - 10:50h
Keynote | Breno Gazzola

11:00h - 11:30h
How to build a business on Rails and Open-Source
As developers, coding is our comfort zone, but turning it into a business is another challenge. I will share my journey from a side project to a full-time business, including the difficulties, common pitfalls, and useful "cheat codes".

11:40h - 12:10h
Como Começar a Criar Aplicativos Móveis Usando Rails e Turbo Native
Discover Turbo, Turbo Native, and Strada in this talk, where we will dive into essential concepts such as webviews and techniques for deploying Rails applications on iOS and Android. Learn about the advantages and challenges of this innovative method, opening new horizons for Rails developers.

12:15h - 14:00h
Lunch 🍛
14:00h - 14:45h
Panel - Rails Foundation AMA
Robby Russell, CEO of Planet Argon, will ask questions submitted by the community to representatives of the Rails Foundation.

14:50h - 15:20h
Precisamos de menos camadas, não mais
Complexity often grows silently, gradually complicating projects and harming efficiency. This talk aims to discuss the hidden costs of unnecessary layers. By embracing simplicity and leveraging the inherent strengths of Rails, we can improve the performance, maintainability, and pace of our software.

15:30h - 16:00h
Deploy Your Next Rails App with WebAssembly (Wasm): Smaller, Safer, Faster
This lecture focuses on the exclusive advantages of using WebAssembly (Wasm) to deploy Ruby on Rails applications (yes, on the server). Wasm offers an innovative approach that enables smaller, faster, and more secure server deployments compared to existing strategies that use VMs or containers.

16:05h - 16:50h
Coffee Break ☕️
16:50h - 17:20h
Vernier: A next Generation Ruby Profiler
This talk explores how to use a Ruby profiler, how it works, and new techniques that Vernier uses to provide more information with greater accuracy and less overhead.

17:30h - 18:00h
The Fast Lane: Asynchronous Rails
Oh no! Computers no longer double their speed every two years! How can we make the software run faster? You and your Rails application can't just sit idly by, so join me to explore how we can leverage the concepts of concurrency and parallelism to improve performance and scalability!

6:10 PM - 7:00 PM
Keynote | Eileen Uchitele

7:00 PM - 7:15 PM
About the place
Itaú Cube
Vicente Pinzon Avenue, 54 - Vila Olímpia, São Paulo - SP - Brazil

The Itaú Cube, located in the heart of the city of São Paulo, is considered the main Startup Hub in Latin America. Due to its relevance in the Brazilian startup market, the space has been chosen as the venue for the next edition of Tropical.rb.
Onde e quando o Tropical.rb vai rolar?
Ainda posso participar do evento?
Onde e quando o Tropical.rb vai rolar?
Ainda posso participar do evento?

Tropical.rb 2024. All rights reserved.
Code of Conduct

The Latin America Rails Conference
April 4 and 5
Itaú Cube | São Paulo - Brazil
Two days of top-level content, international speakers, and a lot of networking!

From the community to the community.
A new moment for Rails!
We are experiencing a moment of rediscovery for Rails. In scenarios of restriction and pursuit of efficiency, its advantages as one of the best frameworks to start a startup or create a modern web application become even more obvious. With Rails World and so many others emerging in the United States and Europe, Tropical.rb returns with the proposal to bring together developers from Latin America to talk about Rails and share knowledge!
Our Speakers

Adrian é um engenheiro orientado para produtos, autor do Avo for Rails, e co-organizador da conferência Friendly.rb e do podcast Em seu tempo livre, ele gosta de viajar pelo mundo, conhecer pessoas interessantes e aprender sobre o mundo ao nosso redor

Alexandre Calaça é um apaixonado engenheiro de software especializado em transformar problemas complexos em soluções elegantes por meio de código. Com uma trajetória internacional, ele já contribuiu para projetos colaborativos envolvendo profissionais da América, Europa, Oceania e Ásia. Fora do trabalho, ama estar com a família e estudar diversos tópicos

O "majestic monolith" da FestaLab foi criado em 2018 rodando Rails 5.1, mas atualmente roda Rails Edge, e a empresa contribuiu de volta para o Rails algumas coisas que eles desenvolveram (incluindo a troca para "vips por default" no Rails 7). Esse monolito também foi a base para colaboração no Propshaft e o primeiro app que fez deploy da gem para produção.

Bruno Ghisi é co-fundador e VP de Produto e Engenharia da RD Station, empresa líder em soluções de tecnologia para marketing digital e vendas no Brasil com mais de 50 mil clientes. Ele é mestre em Ciência da Computação pela UFSC. Foi eleito Empreendedor Endeavor em 2016 e, desde então, também é investidor e mentor em empresas.

Bruno, um membro do conselho da Rails Foundation, tem desenvolvido software com Rails desde 2006. Natural do Brasil, ele se mudou para os Estados Unidos aos 13 anos. Com uma rica história na construção de software e liderança de equipes em diversas indústrias, Bruno tem desempenhado um papel fundamental na equipe fundadora da Doximity desde 2010

Com mais de três décadas de experiência em desenvolvimento de software, sou um pioneiro em Ruby on Rails desde suas primeiras versões e um CTO que guiou minha empresa desde o início, utilizando o Rails, até uma bem-sucedida oferta pública inicial (IPO), moldando continuamente o cenário tecnológico

Eileen ajuda a liderar o esforço para melhorar e manter o framework Rails e a linguagem Ruby no Shopify. Ela se concentra em garantir a estabilidade e a extensibilidade para desenvolvedores individuais e empresas de grande e pequeno porte. Seu objetivo é assegurar a sustentabilidade de longo prazo do Rails e sua adoção contínua como um dos principais frameworks de código aberto.

Fito von Zastrow é um Engenheiro de Software Sênior que trabalha na Cisco Meraki. Ele possui mais de uma dúzia de anos de experiência trabalhando com Ruby, Rails e outras tecnologias. Ele é um transplantado da Área da Baía de São Francisco, vindo de Assunção, Paraguai. Ele gosta de fazer trilhas, jogar videogames, assistir futebol e fazer programação em par

John faz parte do Rails Core team, do Ruby committers team, e é Staff Engineer na equipe de Arquitetura do Ruby no GitHub. Ele adora tornar o Ruby, o Rails e as gems mais rápidas, além de desenvolver ferramentas para aprimorar o desempenho

José é desenvolvedor Ruby desde 2014, já trabalhou em projetos no Brasil, Europa e América do Norte. Apaixonado por Ruby on Rails, testes automatizados, CLIs e Vim. Nas horas vagas assiste desenho com os filhos e gasta tempo com um Opala 83

Mayra é de Lima, Peru. Desenvolvedora de Software na Buk e Líder Técnica na WNBrb. Apaixonada por Ruby, software de código aberto e diversidade e inclusão na área de tecnologia. Muito preguiçosa para criar coisas para si mesma, mas nunca preguiçosa demais para ajudar as pessoas a construírem seus sonhos, especialmente na comunidade RoR. Fora do trabalho, você provavelmente a encontrará passando tempo brincando com seus gatos, planejando a próxima conferência que vai participar e fazendo Zumba
04/04 | Primeiro dia
08:30h - 09:45h
09:45h - 10:00h
10:00h - 10:50h
Keynote - Investing in the Ruby community

11:00h - 11:30h
Reinventing the Authentication Wheel
Todos nós usamos Devise - de fato, esta é a abordagem de autenticação no Rails. Mas, e se eu dissesse que construir sua autenticação não é tão difícil? Há alguns anos criei uma biblioteca chamada autenticação-zero e ela se tornou muito popular.

11:40h - 12:10h
A Brewer's Guide to Filtering out Complexity and Churn
Código complexo é caro e arriscado de alterar. A maioria dos programadores não sabe como suas mudanças aumentam a complexidade com o tempo. Eventualmente, a complexidade leva à dor e à frustração. Sem entender a complexidade, os desenvolvedores tendem a culpar o Rails. Venha aprender como manter a complexidade sob controle.

12:15h - 14:00h
Almoço 🍛
14:00h - 14:45h
Panel - Successful Brazilian Rails-powered Startups

14:50h - 15:20h
Cloning Cookie Clicker to Debug jobs and Confirm What DHH Said
O DHH fez uma talk no Rails World sobre usar Solid Queue ao invés do tão amado/usado Sidekiq + Redis. Fizemos uns testes no trabalho, mas aqui na talk quero mostrar de uma forma mais lúdica como podemos testar jobs, clonando o jogo de javascript Cookie Clicker e tentando quebrar minha aplicação web.

15:30h - 16:00h
From React to Hotwire: The Adventures of a Frontend Migration
Como, em 4 sprints, conseguimos virar nosso frontend de React para Hotwire, após uma migração para o Rails 7 e conseguimos reduzir o tamanho do codebase e organizar nosso frontend para algo mais simples.

16:05h - 16:50h
Coffee Break ☕️
16:50h - 17:20h
Mastering Internationalization: A Journey through Cultures and i18n
Criando um webapp em espanhol? Bravo! Imagine a expansão na América Latina – complicada, certo? As palavras mudam de significado com as fronteiras. Rails, ao resgate! Revele maravilhas, dominando idioletos sem esforço. Diga adeus às strings estáticas. Rails prepara você para adaptar, traduzir e prosperar na diversidade da América Latina.

17:30h - 18:00h
Implementando Pesquisa Semântica no Rails Usando Vectores de Base de Dados
Unlock the power of semantic search in Rails! Join me on a journey to implement state-of-the-art database vectors, revolutionizing search functionality. Elevate your applications with intelligence and precision using the large language models provided by OpenAI. Don’t miss this transformative talk!

6:10 PM - 7:00 PM
Keynote | Aaron Patterson

7:00 PM - 7:15 PM
05/04 | Second day
09:45h - 10:00h
10:00h - 10:50h
Keynote | Breno Gazzola

11:00h - 11:30h
How to build a business on Rails and Open-Source
As developers, coding is our comfort zone, but turning it into a business is another challenge. I will share my journey from a side project to a full-time business, including the difficulties, common pitfalls, and useful "cheat codes".

11:40h - 12:10h
Como Começar a Criar Aplicativos Móveis Usando Rails e Turbo Native
Discover Turbo, Turbo Native, and Strada in this talk, where we will dive into essential concepts such as webviews and techniques for deploying Rails applications on iOS and Android. Learn about the advantages and challenges of this innovative method, opening new horizons for Rails developers.

12:15h - 14:00h
Almoço 🍛
14:00h - 14:45h
Panel - Rails Foundation AMA
Robby Russell, CEO of Planet Argon, will ask questions submitted by the community to representatives of the Rails Foundation.

14:50h - 15:20h
Precisamos de menos camadas, não mais
Complexity often grows silently, gradually complicating projects and harming efficiency. This talk aims to discuss the hidden costs of unnecessary layers. By embracing simplicity and leveraging the inherent strengths of Rails, we can improve the performance, maintainability, and pace of our software.

15:30h - 16:00h
Deploy Your Next Rails App with WebAssembly (Wasm): Smaller, Safer, Faster
This lecture focuses on the exclusive advantages of using WebAssembly (Wasm) to deploy Ruby on Rails applications (yes, on the server). Wasm offers an innovative approach that enables smaller, faster, and more secure server deployments compared to existing strategies that use VMs or containers.

16:05h - 16:50h
Coffee Break ☕️
16:50h - 17:20h
Vernier: A next Generation Ruby Profiler
This talk explores how to use a Ruby profiler, how it works, and new techniques that Vernier uses to provide more information with greater accuracy and less overhead.

17:30h - 18:00h
The Fast Lane: Asynchronous Rails
Oh no! Computers no longer double their speed every two years! How can we make the software run faster? You and your Rails application can't just sit idly by, so join me to explore how we can leverage the concepts of concurrency and parallelism to improve performance and scalability!

6:10 PM - 7:00 PM
Keynote | Eileen Uchitele

7:00 PM - 7:15 PM
About the place
Itaú Cube
Vicente Pinzon Avenue, 54 - Vila Olímpia, São Paulo - SP - Brazil

The Itaú Cube, located in the heart of the city of São Paulo, is considered the main Startup Hub in Latin America. Due to its relevance in the Brazilian startup market, the space has been chosen as the venue for the next edition of Tropical.rb.
Onde e quando o Tropical.rb vai rolar?
Ainda posso participar do evento?
Onde e quando o Tropical.rb vai rolar?
Ainda posso participar do evento?

Tropical.rb 2024. All rights reserved.
Code of Conduct
The Latin America Rails Conference
The Latin America Rails Conference
April 4 and 5
Itaú Cube | São Paulo - Brazil
April 4 and 5
Itaú Cube | São Paulo - Brazil
Two days of high-level content, international
speakers, and plenty of networking!
Two days of high-level content, international
speakers, and plenty of networking!